Number of threatened species in The Netherlands, by 2018

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Officially assembled Red Lists show that many Dutch plant and animal species are threatened with extinction.

Red List

Species decreasing in population size and/or in distribution range are placed on a Red List of threatened species. The Dutch Red Lists may be regarded as a national application of the IUCN Red List (IUCN 2008), but follows its own protocol. Red Lists are assembled approximately every ten years for a number of species groups, based on the Red List status per species. As species continue to decline and become increasingly rare, they are categorized as "Near Threatened", "Vulnerable", "Endangered", "Critically Endangered", or "Extinct".
To date, official Red Lists of 18 species groups have been compiled. The Red list status of each evaluated species is published in the Dutch Government Gazette. Of most of these 18 species groups, the Red List status per species has been revised and published in the Government Gazette for a second time, resulting in updated Red Lists.

Threatened species

Of each of the 18 species groups, at least one third of the species in that group are on the Red List, with much higher ratios found in some of the species groups. With 19 out of 20 species being listed, almost all stoneflies have an unfavourable Red List status (see table). Approximately two thirds of the species of reptiles, butterflies, mayflies and mushrooms are on the Red List. Species groups of which relatively high proportions of the species have disappeared from the Netherlands include stoneflies, butterflies, mayflies and bees. Many threatened species are not protected by law.

Trend of threatened species

Periodical revisions of Red Lists make it possible to derive trends in the numbers of threatened species over time. However, with a revision frequency of approximately every 10 years, such trends do not reflect the actual situation in the years between revisions. By constructing "virtual" Red Lists in the years between official Red List publications, it is possible to calculate the trend in the number of threatened species on a yearly basis (see the Red List Indicator).


  • IUCN (2008). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland.
  • LNV (2004). Besluit van de Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit van 4 november 2004, nr. TRCJZ/2004/5727, houdende vaststelling van Rode lijsten flora en fauna. Staatscourant 218 (2004). [zoogdieren, vogels, reptielen, amfibieĆ«n, vissen, bijen, dagvlinders, kokerjuffers, sprinkhanen en krekels, steenvliegen, libellen, haften, land- en zoetwaterweekdieren, platwormen, vaatplanten, mossen, korstmossen en paddestoelen (macrofungi)]
  • LNV (2009). Besluit van de Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit van 28 augustus 2009, nr. 25344, houdende vaststelling van geactualiseerde Rode lijsten flora en fauna. Staatscourant 13201 (2009). [zoogdieren, reptielen, amfibieĆ«n, dagvlinders, paddenstoelen (macrofungi)]
  • EZ (2015). Besluit van de Staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken van 15 oktober 2015, DGAN-PDJNG / 15129301, houdende vaststelling van geactualiseerde Rode lijsten flora en fauna. Staatscourant 36471 (2015). [korstmossen, mossen, vaatplanten, libellen, sprinkhanen en krekels, vissen]
  • LNV(2017). Besluit van de Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit van 18 november 2017, nr. 17174206, houdende vaststelling van een geactualiseerde Rode Lijst Vogels. Staatscourant 68427 (2017). [vogels]
  • LNV (2018). Besluit van de Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit van 30 april 2018, nr. 18072244, houdende vaststelling van een geactualiseerde Rode Lijst Bijen. Staatscourant 24897 (2018). [bijen]

Technical explanation

Name of the data
Responsible institute
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Base table
Geographical distribution
Publication frequency
Trust code

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Number of threatened species in The Netherlands, by 2015

Reference of this webpage

CLO (2018). Number of threatened species in The Netherlands, by 2018 (indicator 1052, version 15, ), Statistics Netherlands (CBS), The Hague; PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague; RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven; and Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen.