Green tax revenues, 1987-2012
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Revenues from green taxes in 2012 (preliminary data) has decreased compared with 2011. Revenues from green taxes have more than doubled since the end of the 1980s. In 2012 revenues from green taxes contributed 13.7% to the total tax revenues of the Dutch government.
General developments
Inflation-corrected revenues from green taxes more than doubled between 1987 and 2012, although growth levelled off after 2006, partly due to reduced revenues from the private motor vehicle and motorcycle tax (BPM). Revenues from green taxes totalled about 20 billion euros between 2006 and 2011, but decreased in 2012 with 8% to 18.6 billion euros (preliminary data). The percentage of revenues from green taxes in the total tax revenue of the Dutch government increased from 9.3% in 1987 to almost 13.7% in 2012. Most of this increase took place between 1991 and 1996, since when it has fluctuated at around the 13.8% level.
Excise duty on petrol and other mineral oils
In 2012, 40% of the revenues from green taxes came from excise duty on petrol and other mineral oils. This was therefore the largest green tax income item. Revenues from excise duty on petrol and other mineral oils were a little lower in 2012 than in 2011.
Road tax
In 2011, about a quarter of the revenues from green taxes were from the road tax. Every owner of a car, delivery van, motorcycle or lorry was required to pay road tax every quarter, or once a year. The rate depended, among other things, on the type of engine. As part of a mobility tax plan (Ministerie van Financiën, 2011), the government changed regulations concerning the road tax and the BPM. Fuel-efficient cars, such as hybrid cars, were made exempt from road tax several years ago. This exemption will be limited in 2014, and will disappear in 2015.
Private motor vehicle and motorcycle tax (BPM)
In 2012, about eight percent of the revenues from green taxes came from the BPM. The first time that a car is registered, BPM must be paid. Revenues from the BPM have declined since 2007. In 2009, the government introduced a lower tax rate for the purchase of new, private fuel-efficient cars and delivery vans. The revenues from the BPM were less in 2012 than in 2011, mainly due to the increase in the popularity of vehicles exempt from BPM. The kilometre pricing project has now been put on hold (Ministerie I en M, 2011), and from 2013 onwards the BPM will be related to absolute CO2 emissions.
Correction for inflation
The figures given in the graph are corrected for inflation (2012 price level). This enables a better comparison to be made between revenues and provides a more realistic picture of developments. In the 'data behind the graph' in the Dutch version of the website (click on 'download graph data' to the bottom right of the graph), the revenues of environmental taxes are also given in actual prices (the prices paid in the year concerned).
- CBS (2013a). Environmental Accounts of the Netherlands 2012. CBS, Den Haag / Heerlen.
- CBS (2013b). StatLine: Milieubelastingen en milieuheffingen; opbrengst naar betalingsplichtige (cijfers in lopende prijzen). CBS, Den Haag / Heerlen.
- Ministerie van Financiën (2011). Wijziging van enkele belastingwetten en enige andere wetten (Belastingplan 2012) - Memorie van toelichting. Ministerie van Financiën, Den Haag.
- Ministerie I & M (2011). Regels voor het in rekening brengen van een gebruikersafhankelijke prijs voor het rijden met een motorrijtuig Wet kilometerprijs - intrekking hier van. Kamerstuk 32216. Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Den Haag.
Technical explanation
- Name of the data
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- Responsible institute
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- Calculation method
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- Base table
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- Geographical distribution
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- Trust code
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Reference of this webpage
CLO (2016). Green tax revenues, 1987-2012 (indicator 0360, version 13, ), Statistics Netherlands (CBS), The Hague; PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague; RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven; and Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen.