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Facts and figures about environment, nature and spatial planning in the Netherlands

The Environmental Data Compendium presents the current quality of the environment, nature and spatial planning in the Netherlands, coupled to related government policies. Subjects vary from waste issues to climate change and from accessibility to biodiversity.
Information is mostly presented on a national scale, and in some instances, when relevant to decision-making processes, also on subnational or supranational scales.


The objective of the Environmental Data Compendium is making scientifically founded facts and figures available, in order to support social discussion and choices in the fields of nature, spatial planning and the environment.

Website partners

The Environmental Data Compendium is jointly owned and managed by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Wageningen University and Research Centre (Wageningen UR). 
Six editorial teams, together with a large number of experts both from within and outside these institutes, ensure the information on the web pages is kept up to date.

Contributions from Dutch organizations

CBS, PBL, RIVM and Wageningen UR provide the Compendium with data they manage themselves, but also with data that are made available via third parties. The Wageningen UR contribution is coordinated by their department ‘WOT Natuur en Milieu (Legal Research Tasks in the policy area Nature & Environment)’ with data mainly from Alterra, LEI Wageningen UR and the Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies (IMARES). Other parties involved include Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst, The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), private data-managing organisations and their umbrella organisation ‘Stichting voor Veld-Onderzoek Flora en Fauna (VOFF)’ and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (co-funder of CBS’s statistics on nature).