Waste generation and treatment by sector, 1990-2010

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The amount of waste generated decreased to less than 60 million tons (excluding contaminated soil, dredged materials and animal manure) in 2010. Over 88?% of the waste generated was recovered; less and less waste is being sent to landfill.

Target groupMethod1)19901995200020052010
  million kg2)   
TOTALTotal50 92052 76563 24260 40059 860
 recovery31 35538 43550 92550 35052 941
 incineration3 8854 6957 0837 1785 125
 landfill13 8758 2154 8322 2321 381
 discharge/other3, 4)1 8051 420402648412
Householdstotal6 1957 3208 6509 1148 823
 recovery9852 9253 8754 7776 954
 incineration1 9251 8653 4853 9451 753
 landfill3 2852 5301 29034272
Traffic and transporttotal1 2851 0908536921 094
 recovery1 060990788361711
Agriculture, forestry total2 3402 405 2 4972 330 2 561
and fisheriesrecovery1 9602 0252 4452 3072 549
 landfill 305305996
Industrytotal19 99020 13019 31216 57915 204
(incl. refineries)5)recovery13 88016 24016 46415 08713 468
 incineration6458901 4008771 103
 landfill3 6601 5801 046463508
 discharge1 8051 420402154125
Trade, services andtotal3 9904 1054 8945 1095 324
governmentrecovery7401 5802 7262 7614 172
 incineration9007508521 432859
 landfill2 3501 7751 316781182
Constructiontotal12 69014 10023 80023 50023 752
 recovery9 31512 91022 72022 96023 284
 landfill3 2001 030870485437
Energy supplytotal1 3901 3801 6741 3971 377
 recovery1 2801 3551 5661 3431 223
Waste water treatmenttotal2 9202 1351 4261 4941 494
plants6)recovery2 075360206599315
 incineration808951 0668361 162
Drinking watertotal125100135185175
Waste disposaltotal....56
Source: NL Agency, CBS.CBS/CLO/sep12/0206
1) Treatment methods were redefined with the coming into force of the National Waste Management Plan (Landelijk afvalbeheerplan, LAP) and the Environmental Management Act (Wet milieubeheer). 'Recovery' therefore now includes preparation for re-use, recycling, use as fuel and other applications.
2) Excluding contaminated soil, dredged materials and animal manure.
3) The disposal of phosphogypsum was reported as discharge and the discharge of liquid waste streams (after treatment) was reported as recovery up to and including the year 2000. As of 2001, the discharge of liquid waste streams (after treatment) is reported separately as discharge. No phosphogypsum has been discharged since 2001.
4) As of 2003, discharge also includes 'liquid loss' during the drying of liquid waste streams prior to disposal.
5) As of 2004, the use of industrial waste as a fuel for energy generation falls under recovery and no longer under incineration.
6) Waste water treatment plants and the drinking water supply together make up the target group 'Actors in the water chain'.

Changes in amount of waste generated

The way in which much waste generation and treatment is monitored has changed. Where possible, these changes were implemented from 2006, but some only took effect in 2007 or 2008. The amount of waste decreased over the last two years, to less than 60 million tons in 2010.

Less waste being sent to landfill and more recovered

There has been a considerable decrease in the amount of waste sent to landfill since 1990 (from almost 14 billion kg, to 1.4 billion kg in 2010). By contrast, there has been an increase of over 20 billion kg in the amount of waste recovered. Almost 53 billion kg was recovered in 2010, in other words over 88% of the total amount of waste generated in the Netherlands (excluding contaminated soil, dredged materials and animal manure).


  • Waste data was provided by NL Agency, Uitvoering Afvalbeheer and was obtained from various sources, including NL Agency, Uitvoering Afvalbeheer and CBS.
  • Agentschap NL, Uitvoering Afvalbeheer (2010). Nederlands afval in cijfers, gegevens 2006-2010, Agentschap NL, Utrecht.

Technical explanation

Name of the data
Responsible institute
Calculation method
Base table
Geographical distribution
Publication frequency
Trust code

Archive of this indicator

Reference of this webpage

CLO (2014). Waste generation and treatment by sector, 1990-2010 (indicator 0206, version 11, ), www.clo.nl. Statistics Netherlands (CBS), The Hague; PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague; RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven; and Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen.