
The indicators in the Environmental Data Compendium are updated regularly. Below is the list of the last updated indicators. Using this page, you can easily see which indicators were updated since your last visit.

5 indicators
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Renewable energy use, 1990-2023

The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption was 17.2 percent in 2023. This is higher than in 2022, when the share reached 14.9 percent. Renewable energy consumption went from 276…

Nature types in the Netherlands, 2023

Nature in the Netherlands can be divided into different ‘types’ of natural and semi-natural areas. Since 2008 the standard classification for this has been the Nature and Landscape Index (Index NL)…

Membership of Dutch private nature conservation organisations, 1989-2023

The combined membership of the four biggest nature conservation organisations in 2023 was 1,744,716 members/donors. Natuurmonumenten had the most members/donors (851,441), followed by the World Wide…

Angling in the Netherlands, 1990-2022

In 2020 more than 700,000 active anglers were members of an angling club in the Netherlands and holders of the national fishing permit. The Covid-19 restrictions led to a significant increase in the…

Dutch biodiversity footprint, 1990 - 2010

The total Dutch biodiversity footprint increased by 11 percent between 1990 and 2000 and has decreased since then. Compared to 1990 the footprint in 2010 increased by 5 percent. The Dutch biodiversity…