
The indicators in the Environmental Data Compendium are updated regularly. Below is the list of the last updated indicators. Using this page, you can easily see which indicators were updated since your last visit.

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Number of threatened and extinct species in The Netherlands, by 2024

Officially assembled Red Lists show that many Dutch plant and animal species are threatened with extinction.

Protected areas in the Netherlands, 2022

Terrestrial protected areas cover 20% of the land surface of the Netherlands. Almost all of this area lies within the national ecological network. Almost half (9%) consists of statutory protected…

Environmental quality of terrestrial ecosystems: nitrogen deposition 1994–2022

Nitrogen deposition has declined since the 1990s, leading to an improvement in the environmental quality of terrestrial ecosystems. This improvement in environmental quality stalled in 2010, but…

Farmland bird indicator, 1915-2023

Changes in agricultural practices have caused a significant decline in breeding birds typical of agricultural areas in the Netherlands, starting from the early 20 th century.

Manure surpluses in agriculture, 1970-2022

Between 1970 and 2022, the nitrogen surplus in agriculture has fallen by about 40 percent. The surplus did not change a lot in the last ten years and we see a small undulating trend depending on…

Alien species in the Netherlands, 1990-2020

The number of new species becoming established in the Netherlands as a result of human agency is growing rapidly. Most of these alien species are terrestrial arthropods (insects) and plants. In recent…

Habitat defragmentation measures for infrastructure, 2018

At the end of 2018, of the 176 ecological barriers identified and selected in the Multiyear Habitat Defragmentation Programme, 126 had been removed and 40 partly removed by taking mitigation measures…

Ecosystem quality (area) 1994-2017

An indicator of the quality of ecosystems is the presence of qualifying species in protected natural areas. Almost 40% of the area of terrestrial ecosystems has a moderately high to high ecological…

Ecosystem quality and trends in soil pH, 2018

In many ecosystems soil quality in terms of soil pH is good. But soil pH in parts of natural and semi-natural grasslands, open dunes and marshland is not yet within acceptable levels. In all…

Conservation status and trends in species and habitat types under the Birds and Habitats Directives, 2013-2018

About 90% of the habitat types in the Netherlands have an unfavourable-bad to unfavourable-inadequate conservation status. About a quarter of the Habitats Directive species have a favourable…